Dr. Özgür Akın who is Chairman of the Board of AKINSOFT and AKINROBOTICS has been considered worthy to "The Best Scientific Study of the Year" award thanks to his "Humanoid Robot" Studies at the 6th Traditional Blue Sycamore Award Ceremony. "The Best Scientific Study of the Year" award has been presented to Dr. Özgür AKIN at Traditional Blue Sycamore Award ceremony which awards are being given to the individuals and instutions that serve the benefit of the country and who makes the most diverse and creative work in science, culture, art, literature and press categories in their fields that organized by Eryetiş & Balkans Educational Institutions "The Best Scientific Study of the Year" award has been presented to Dr. Özgür AKIN at Traditional Blue Sycamore Award ceremony, in which awards are being given to the individuals and instutions that serve the benefit of the country and who makes the most different and creative work in the fields of science, culture, art, literature and press, that organized by Eryetiş & Balkans Educational Institutions.