11 July 2015

The Top 500 IT Companies Turkey 2014 Research - 2015

The Top 500 IT Companies Turkey 2014 Research

AKINSOFT Headquarters
Organized every year by Interpro Media, ''Turkey's Top 500 IT Companies'' research results have been announced. This research has a great importance regarding providing reference to companies not only in Turkey but also in abroad. This year also taking its place among the leading companies as every year, AKINSOFT was ranked number 322 on Turkey's Top 500 IT companies list thanks to its strong organizational structure around Turkey as well as in other countries. AKINSOFT is ranked 38 in ERP software Turkey Based Developer category, and 13 by ERP software revenues. Growing fast with its ambition to work and the steps it takes for technology in Turkey, AKINSOFT is approaching to be the leader of the sector. AKINSOFT is giving the signals to be the top with its successful works in a short time.