Robots will leave unemployed those who stay away from them.
They came from overseas, they taught us to sell meatball. They came from continents, taught us to make coffee. Now it's our turn! We will teach them to make ''Robot''!
We will crown these lands with technology, which we won with blood.
I prefer cowardness of knowledge rather than courage of ignorance.
Kites are free; but if you let the rope go they can't fly.
If you really believe, you can walk in the air above the skyscrapers. Just press the button!
Instead of looking for answers to your questions all the time, look for questions to your answers sometimes...
If there was no black and white in your life, the other colors wouldn't be this meaningful. Neither bother yourself about hitting rock bottom nor rejoice about hitting the top. Black and white are not colors but tones. They complete their tasks in your life and leave you...
You can stifle a question with another question, a chaos with another chaos; but love cannot be stifled with another love...
I was never scared of storm. Its power is enough to be at loose ends!
It matters how strong you look rather than what you do for people...
The ones who want to gain experience without making mistake are the ones who make mistake in the first place...
Even if we work like bees, the ones which take the best share of the hive are the bees.
Woman is the best source code; can be a harmful virus or a useful software depending on the programmer...
Environments are beautiful as you create but more beautiful as you live.
If you ascribe a meaning to colors in your life, undoubtfully it's a woman's touch...
You need to play the game well, we all know, pawns have a chance to promote to the queen. Unless losing the check...
Hitting rock bottom is a leap in fact...
Women are not systematic. They both break and fix. Men either break or fix.
If you don't feel lonely sometimes, it means you are always lonely...
Remember; every success, every step for the career will lead you to loneliness and unhappiness. The important part is to be able to move on at the crossing point of the two and reach the maximum pleasure... The biggest success in this life is to be happy.
Babies are born wise... They know everything except communication, they forget the things they know while learning to communicate with other people... If you ever sink into despair, nothingness, emptiness, look a child or a baby in the eye. It will show you the truth...
If you be friendly, you will see that the emotions are talking, not the words...
The ones who respect the others' values, get respected for their own values and deserve to live free.
You need to be aware of definitions. Otherwise you find yourself crying next to trash can which the world defined to you!
When they ask you, ''how are you?''; it is the moment that you stand upright when you don't say ''I'm fine''
Our souls, I say, will continue growing mature. What is essential is not to lose its essence...
A leader is neither someone who tries to be like someone else nor tries to be different than the others; a leader is someone who is always himself...
If you don't know how to smile, why do you complain.
We are now playing with our fingertips, the next generation will make the robot figurants play instead...
Everything is for people! It doesn't matter how hard you try, you will be seen as how life shows you, not how you really are! Tolerance is the sense that makes you look how you really are...
A chaos can be suppressed with another chaos only...
The game is sometimes for one player and you are both a winner and a loser at the same time...
Sometimes it matters who you are with rather than where you are...
Definitions for love are all baseless. If anyone had defined love really, there wouldn't be any time to write these.
Life turns its back on people who turn their back to life; give it a rest and smile...
In this life, there are many things turning around you and trying to make you happy, come on, join them!
You must follow the right way, not the way shown to you! You can find the right way only by not forgetting you are free...
Some problems might seem to be difficult to solve, but there is no problem without a solution...
What you reach is less than what you miss; don't think about it much, just let it go!
Life always blinks at you, the important thing is to notice it.
Heads up and look around; if you think something is wrong in your life, look in the mirror first...
Life sometimes might fog your window up, it's in your hands to wipe it...
If you want to find a friend, learn to be a friend first.
Life is beautiful with everything it has!
The flag will be waiting for you when you are ready. Grab it and move it forward with all your power!
My printer is out of toner. My tablet has no 3g signal, it!s slow. My phone is ringing but my suitcase is not ready yet. My flight is going to take off soon. I don't know what to do. You can't look for a new idea, you can't create it... If you already have it inside, it will come out... So then set yourself free.
If you want to develop artificial intelligence software, first you need to learn how to live like a robot. You need to see like a robot, hear like a robot. In such a world with less emotions, more than this will get you tired anyway.
Earning money requires skill, but spending requires culture...
There is no grey in a software developer's life.
The ones who see the life in black and white are always in a disputation with the people around. But life presents its colors when you have good things in common with the others.
You want to tell but you just keep quiet; you know you can't express it better...
Be honest, rest easy; let the world turn around you!
A little secret; those who devote themselves to their work, open the doors of a social life. And those who think they are smart and put the works aside are condemned to work for life inefficiently...
Letting the life go with the flow is just like shooting in automatic mode with a professional camera and all the photographs will be nothing more than a work of an amateur...
Richness of a person is measured by the number of smiling people around...
To follow science and technology from behind is like proceeding gropely. To see the light at the end of the tunnel and to compile the ray is only possible with the shadow of science and technology.
Don't try to change the world! Change yourself! You will see that the world is changing as well...
3 keys of life; you try to look smart if you are stupid, you want to look smarter if you are smart, if you are too smart and intelligent you try to find the ways to look stupid!
You don't listen to music when happy, you be happy when listening to music! Come on, stop watching, come join us...
Go and look at yourself in the mirror again and say; both my enemy and my friend is you... That is to say, you are my irreplaceable!
Don't dance to the music; dance to the rhythm in your head and you will realize that the music is following you...
If there is a storm to break out, it means there is a big space there!
A sailor is someone who knows how to use the wind, not someone who goes with the flow!
Sometimes you just stare at the balance of life... The flow is just so beautiful that the best thing you can do is not to interfere! When you think about it; you will see that you get what you deserve...
I've seen a backwater for the first time in my life when I was a teen and couldn't stop thinking about it for days... I realized that it was our village's dam... Yet there were lakes, seas; boundless and endless, I realized later. And I haven't seen an ocean yet... Don't tell me about freedom!
If the humans were all one gender and so they were all male, I could have developed an artificial brain very similar to a human intelligence with artificial intelligence algorithms! But I could not figure out women's intelligence...
Look! If you take action, you must get attention, if you write it must be read, will you remain passive? Then your silence must be effective as screams! If you love, you must love decently... Your love shouldn't be disputable... You must love the one who loves you! You must love the one who doesn't love you either! Otherwise what will make you different than the others! No ifs, ands or buts... If you live, you must live like a man!
Those who live this life without soul, are the ones who torture themselves. You have seen the life so far. Your situation is obvious, I can't tell you where to go, I can only give the keys; the choice is yours... Don't tell me ''I didn't see! I didn't hear! I didn't know! I would do it if I have known.''... ''Tell your friends nice things and embrace them! We are condemned to be lost without ourselves...'' Don't be reckless , or you would become someone who is ignored! You can't stop now but you can change something! Take action now!
Those who forget where they come from, would not know where to go!
The thing that seems to be the cheapest but is the most expensive in fact is to lie.
The purpose is the result!
All sciences are negative, what is positive is the human...
Love the ones who love you! Love the ones who don't love you either! Otherwise, what would make you different than the others!
If you don't want your life to flash before your eyes in the hard times, review the frames every night before you go to sleep.
The only rule of communication with the people is to be able communicate with yourself.
People are divided into many categories; these, those and so on. According to me, there is only one kind of people: ''the human ones''.
Leave me between two mountains, and may be a river; I would turn it into a metropolis in 30 years...
Everyone is beautiful in fact. But what is important is to be beautiful in a moment of crisis.
If time is changing but not the destination, you are in the right direction.
Nations that do not give due importance to high technology are obliged to be slave on their own lands while supposing they are free.
There is inverse proportion between giving value and gaining value. The thing is to find maximum benefit on the intersection point of the curves.
I've seen many liars but I have never seen one whose eyes lie. Because it is not possible. My reticence comes from my curiosity, not from my inability.
Notice the life passing you by, walk through where you would be happy; before it's too late!
Chasing the impossible is nothing but a waste of time... Rather than moving forward targeting the stars, should prefer to reach by targeting the Moon... Goodbye.
If your scenery is on your mind, it doesn't matter where you are or where you are looking at...
Surroundings being on the ground doesn't mean you can't fly...
Life is not what it seems, the more you struggle the more it will get you under control! If you want to move forward, learn to remain stable first!
The human race! We start the day sleeping, and then we can't see anything. Almost waking up, someone or our habits tell us to sleep. Do people never get bored of having fun? Maybe they are sleeping...
Speed is a relative concept for instance. All the Physics formulas will have changed 200 years later!
Don't look stable... Neither the place you were born in or the schools you went to, nor your society can limit you! Your biggest obstacle is the inflexible thoughts in your head...
Stop looking around, it is not going to help you achieve something to ingratiate yourself with people. It is foolishness to expect people to understand you... Did you know that a person thinks the other one's can be maximum 10% more than his own intelligence and vocabulary(!)?
We are talking about mathematics of a snowflake; What is not repeated over and over in this infinite universe? Do you want a formula? Infinity/Incident=Infinity p+q=1 ... Metaphor, should we use the word ''chaos'' to explain such thing? This is the implacable love that makes us ''us''... (Essays, Universe)
They didn't let me love colors, so I loved black and white. I tried to be innocent as white, noble as black. In life, something either exists or not. So I have been earning my living in this way. (Tests, implacable occupation of 1's and 0's.)
Do you know why we love people who smile, the most? It's because teeth-baring is the expression of power!
Don't attack anyone! If you want to attack someone, attack the failures, not the successes near you. The successes near you don't harm but improve you...
Never give up; even if you ever look at back and see your footsteps disappear, keep walking in the way that you know it is the right way, because at where you will arrive, there will be those who will embrace you rather than those who follow you.
Don't fall into the same mistake over again...
Whatever your work is, do your best and be proud of it. You will see people greet you admiring.
Today, governing the societies is to manage the information. And managing the information is only possible with technology.
Only those who can cope with being defeated, falling back, making no progress, and who can control their anger and crises are the ones to succeed.
Don't predicate on us... Balances would be upset, your competition power would fall, you would become an unknown variable...
To succeed within the impossibilities means making castle with sand grains. You need to make a sand pile in order to make a castle with sand grains. It shouldn't let you give up doing this work to know that it will fall to pieces with a single wave. Because it's worth to take risk to see this great work of art for even just a minute.
Don't try to do the perfect first... Do your best in the shortest time so it finds its value. When you try to do perfect, you whether give up and leave it uncomplete or it goes out of date. First path and then asphalt...
There are thousands to listen to your excuses; no need, tell me ''I did it''!
Tomorrow will be your own creation; if you won't like it, don't live the day because the only thing coming untimely is the time itself.
You don't have to work hard to succeed, just let your inner self out!
Just smile to those who tell you cannot succeed...
''1 year = 1 second'' in our calendar.
Let us work...
We don't have time! Type slow, click slow...
Every moment is a new start at AKINSOFT
We get knowledge from atmosphere.
Time To Live Blue Power...
Live right; your dreams will become plan and your plans will be real.